Saturday, December 15, 2007

departure #1

John left yesterday. John, one of my best friends and the first of my close friends to go home for break, left without saying goodbye. I didn't really feel like I was leaving until I realized he's back home, that I didn't get that last hug I'd been banking on. This morning, Mitch, who lives across the hall, and Morgan, my roommate, left. Later today Brez and Matt and Stu will go, and Shawn tomorrow. Emily and Kelly are here until Monday, but Emily's already packed everything, and my parents come on Sunday, so I doubt I'll see the two of them much after today. Panic.

I have a paper due at 3 pm. I've been procrastinating more than usual. I can't decide if it's because I know this particular professor is more flexible than some others, or because I know this is the last thing I have to do. Even the verb "have to" is relative--I don't need to pass this class in order to graduate. Mostly, it's loyalty to Dr. Madden that's keeping me even minimally motivated.

Tomorrow I'm giving a presentation on my trip to Tanzania at Second Hour of Quaker Meeting. I still have to prepare for that, as well. I'm worried about going over there for the last time ever. More than anywhere but Preston, Meeting has been my home. Those people have been so supportive and loving... how do I say thank you for that?

I thought this post would be cathartic, but it's really just making me more nervous. I'll write later, when I don't have a paper deadline breathing down my neck.

Monday, December 10, 2007

the start of my final finals

Well, it's that time, I suppose. I turned in my final project for my anthro class this morning, tomorrow is my film exam, Wednesday I turn in my writing portfolio, Thursday is linguistics, and Saturday a term paper for Irish lit... That all sounds hectic when it's written in one sentence like that, but I'm not stressed at all. I feel really, creepily calm about it, actually.

I started packing last night--mostly the unnecessary things I shouldn't have even brought down here, but packing all the same. I have my cap and gown and dinner reservations for Monday night. Things are coming to a close. I don't really know what to say other than that.
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